Author: Melissa Elizondo

Imagine Gurus Nov blog post home stager
Turn December Chaos to Calm

We’ve got Thanksgiving under our belts … literally … and now we turn our attention to Christmas preparations. Ahhh … ‘tis the season to relax with loved ones, enjoy the lights and sounds of the seasons and the kitchen filled with delicious smells while laughter...

How to Choose the Best Paint Color for Staging

As a Stager, one of the questions I’m asked most often is what paint color to use on walls. My answer is in three parts. The easy answer is…something neutral and light in color. The caveat is…you should keep in mind the floor and trim...

Imagine Gurus Home Stager New Braunfels TX
Create Best Use of Space via Multi-Function

While multi-tasking may be “out,” multi-functioning spaces are very much “in.” When a room serves more than one function, it’s often called flex space, mixed use space, or multi-purpose. Generally, multi-functioning spaces are helpful when a space is either too small, too big, or the lifestyle...

Outdoor Living Spaces: An Extension of Indoor Living

You’ve probably noticed that outdoor living spaces are all the rage and they’re being decorated with as much care and budget as indoor living spaces. It’s all part of the trend of extending the indoors to the outdoors. Nowadays, so much of our time is consumed...

The Heart of the Home Deserves TLC

There’s no doubt that the kitchen is the heart of the home. Of any room, the most time and effort is expended here – in the humble kitchen. So the question follows, why does it have to be humble? Can’t it shine like the wonderful...

The Secret Sauce to Selling Your House

I always explain to my seller clients that the way we LIVE and the way we MARKET are completely different. This is the case with anything we want to sell successfully. If we want to sell ourselves, on a first date or an interview, we...

Staging Is A Formula

As I often tell sellers, “Staging is a formula. The more closely you follow the formula, the better the results will be.” Oh, how true it is. Sometimes, the suggestions a stager gives may sound nit-picky and inconsequential, but there’s always a reason behind them. Little nuances...

Virtual Staging is for Leprechauns

Sure, leprechauns are fun to think about around St. Patrick’s Day. They’re tricky little creatures who try to steal your gold, and we know they’re mythical, so we enjoy including them in our traditions. Our son used to set “leprechaun traps” on the night of March...